Entrance gained via a uPVC door into the breakfast kitchen.
BedroomA double bedroom with a ceiling light, electric storage heater, a uPVC double glazed window and a built-in hanging space.
Living / Dining RoomA room of generous proportions, there is room for a table and chairs and lounge furniture if so desired. There are two ceiling light, electric storage heater and a uPVC double glazed window to the rear.
BathroomComprising of a three piece white suite in the form of low level W.C., pedestal basin with gold effect taps and bath with gold effect taps with Mira electric shower over. There is a ceiling light, extractor fan, full tiling to walls and floor, an electric heated towel rail and a further wall mounted electric fan heater.
Breakfast KitchenAn excellently proportioned breakfast kitchen with ample room for a table and chairs. The kitchen has a range of wall and base units in white with laminate worktops, tiled splashbacks and a tiled floor. There is a built in cooker, electric hob with a chimney style extractor fan over and a stainless steel sink with chrome mixer tap over. There is plumbing for a washing machine, space for a further appliance and space for a free standing fridge freezer. There are two ceiling lights, electric storage heater and two uPVC double glazed windows to the front elevation. A door opens to the living room / dining room.